The housing affordability challenges facing our country are an existential threat to the apartment industry as more and more jurisdictions attempt to advance no-win solutions like rent control. Here at NMHC, we feel strongly that we need to change the dialogue to talk about solutions that actually work.
To that end, we have spent the past 18 months working with HR&A Advisors, a known leader in housing and economic development policies, to create a comprehensive new Housing Affordability Toolkit.
Our goal with this innovative and comprehensive resource is to arm you with the knowledge you need to help educate policymakers about how the economics of apartment development really work and, based on that knowledge, understand which tools and incentives can actually make a meaningful difference in addressing housing affordability.
Importantly, it also includes eight case studies of cities around the country that we think are, taken together, representative of most cities in the U.S. Each case study identifies the tools that are most appropriate given the market dynamics at play in that city.
The Toolkit is divided into six sections that delve into overall economics of the apartment industry, the benefits of promoting more multifamily development within a jurisdiction, and the various tools available to a jurisdiction to address their specific affordability challenges.
The Toolkit is designed so that each part can be used as a standalone advocacy piece or can be combined with others to guide housing affordability discussions.
You can download the entire toolkit here. Or you can investigate separate sections via the links below.
- National Trends
- Cost Drivers
- Multifamily Benefits
- Affordability Strategies
- Incentives To Develop
- Tools (By-right development, inclusionary zoning, public land economics, tax abatement, rent control)
- Case Studies (Cities included are Seattle, Sacramento, Denver, Minneapolis, San Antonio, Pittsburgh, Atlanta and Tampa)
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