of renters live
in apartments

are renters

apartment households
are single women
Find out more about who they are in the data below:
U.S. Household Characteristics
Household Characteristics provides an overview of the type of structures that renters live in, as well as their household living arrangements, number of members per household, and their number of vehicles per household.
U.S. Household Incomes
Household Incomes provides a snapshot of the incomes for both apartment households and all households, as well as median household incomes over time for different household types. This section also illustrates how the income distribution of apartment households has changed over time.
Renters and Owners
Renters and Owners includes the share of households and residents that rent vs. own. Also included are the age distributions of U.S. renter/owner households and residents.
Households with Children
Households with Children provides a snapshot of the prevalence of children and school-age children (ages 6-17) in various household types. The data includes single-family owners, single-family renters, multifamily renters, and multifamily owners, as well as information on apartment households based upon the year their apartment home was built.
Geography of Apartment Residents
Geography of Apartment Residents gives an overview of the distribution of apartment residents across the 50 states, as well as the population and number of apartment residents in some of the largest metro areas in the U.S.
Transportation to Work/Telecommunting
Transportation to Work/Telecommuting looks at the most common ways that apartment householders get travel to work, in addition to their commute times. This section also provides statistics from the NMHC/Grace Hill Renter Preferences Survey on the frequency with which residents telecommute. (Learn more about the 2024 NMHC/Grace Hill Renter Preferences Survey)