"Dialogues With Doug" is a series of conversations between Doug Bibby, Former President, NMHC and real estate leaders on the immediate and interrelated issues of racism and social injustice in America. Each episode explores the opportunities and actions for meaningful transformation that corporate leaders can do to effect change in their companies and communities.
Posted 6/4/2020 | 37 mins
Communities in Crisis
A conversation with Daryl Carter, Avanath Capital Management LLC
Posted 6/25/2020 | 37 mins
Call to Action: End Racism and Social Injustice
A conversation with Tammy K. Jones, Basis Investment Group LLC
Staff Resource
Related Resources
- NMHC Weighs in with FHFA Regarding Proposed Enterprise Plans
- NMHC and NAA Comment Letter on Enterprise Housing Equity Plans
- NMHC Celebrates Pride Month and Pushes for Equality
- NMHC Commemorates Asian and Pacific Islander American Heritage Month
- NMHC Offers Complimentary Membership to Gender-Diverse and Minority-Owned Firms